We are now officially entered in the 2008 La
Carrera Panamericana we knew that this year all of the North American slots would be filled quickly so we sent our entry fee in right away. North America is going to be
allotted 50 slots this year and at least 63 teams have expressed interest in running the La
Carrera. There is a lot of improvements to be made to the car this year so now it is going to be full speed ahead on all of the work ahead of us. Gary
Faules e-mailed me yesterday with some really good advice about spares and how to work with an auto parts supplier about getting spares on loan and returning what you don't use and paying for
what you do use. Gary's blog is very well written with a lot of very useful information about racing and the La
His site is
http://lacarrera2007.blogspot.com/ We are going to Port City Racing today to get our new oil cooler and check out a few other things while we are there. We have to make some changes to the roll cage due to rule changes to to help with safety for the driver and navigator.
North American Director
Gerie Bledso sends out updates by e-mail to keep all
entrants up to speed on all rule changes . Anyone interested can go to the U.S. La
Carrera web s
ite and read these updates.
We will be looking for sponsors for this year our plan is to sell a 4"x4" space on the roof of the car for 150.00 the hood will be open if any major sponsor is interested. We can be contacted at
sullivan.g.j@comcast.net .
How damn cool is that! I'll be watching you guys from start to finish at least in spirit as it were. What could posibly be more fun and rewarding for two buddies than to return for another go round at the La Carrera.
One thing I would positivly do different the next time we go is I WILL NOT waste my time going to the late dinner/awards ceremony. It is time far better spent getiing a nice dinner in some nice quite place, then walking around or seeing somne sites and getting to the hotel room at a decent hour. Besides, you'll have plenty of time in the morning to find out where to line up.
We never really had time to go to the dinners. Getting the car prepared for the next day took most of our time. We felt having a safe reliable car was more important. Our motto this year is "Once is not enough" It will be on the back of the car.
In that case you better take three alternators. LOL.
We are working on a way to do a quick alternator change using wing nuts and velcro. :~)
Why not just install two of them with a switch like my distributor? LOL.
I am so Glad you guys are going again. I know my dad will be rooting for you to do well, and have FUN.
I can't wait to see the pictures for this year.
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